Join Real Estate Investor, Andrea Cwik, To Discover...

The Simplest Strategies For Investing In Real Estate So You Can Say Goodbye To The Rat Race & Hello To More Family Time, Legacy & Impact ... Using Key Principles!

The First-Ever 'Video Superstar Bootcamp' Starts On September 6th...

Registration For The Bootcamp Closes When The Timer Hits Zero

We have to talk about something. It’s super important.

Because I see a lot of people saying they want to build wealth to have financial independence and security but they're not doing anything to help themselves get there. And fear of the unknown is holding people back from taking simple steps toward personal freedom.

I was there once too but I did something that changed my life. I INVESTED IN REAL ESTATE.

It was terrifying to get started, but one day I decided not to let my fear get the best of me.

And you know the saying...

“Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” - Harry S. Truman

It’s totally true.

Especially in a world with so much noise.  Literally, taking small, meaningful steps toward building your dream is the only way to get things done nowadays, especially because we are so overloaded with all the other things that need to get done in our lives.

So, it is imperative that you start taking imperfect action toward unlocking your personal freedom through real estate investing.

But, the challenge for someone who is totally new to the industry is that there is so much to know about the space.

And when these fancy gurus try to teach you to start building up your investing portfolio, it’s the most complicated and boring thing ever.

Why do I know this?

Because I have actually been where you are. I started out knowing NOTHING about real estate investing. There weren't affordable resources for newbies like me when I began.

True story.

One mentor I looked at hiring wanted to charge me $10,000 for a single month of guidance.

What the what?!

Yes, there’s a lot of really expensive training and coaching programs to help you learn real estate investing.

But I don’t know about you, but I want to spend the least amount of money possible and yet, get the most information possible.

I don’t like spending money foolishly.

So here’s the deal, my name is Andrea Cwik. I’m a real estate investor, wealth builder, investing coach, and deal hunter, PLUS I’m a busy Mom that doesn’t have tons of time to pour into my business every day.

And I’ve got something for you that’s totally going to make your life so much easier. 

And allow you more time doing the things you want to do...

And save you boat loads of money...

And it will bring you joy, not stress. 

And you’ll create generational wealth.

And you'll be making money while you sleep.

And creating a legacy people will remember you for.

And you will unlock endless opportunities.

“If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” -Warren Buffet

You will get to live the life you've always wanted to.

Here’s the deal.

Let me give you the back story.

It’s important.

I was working in Silicon Valley in high tech. Hustling daily to get the raise, chase the promotion, and get recognition.

It was exhausting.

One day, I woke up and realized I didn't want to be a part of the hustle culture any longer. I treasured time with my kids, making memories, and creating generational wealth and a legacy to leave behind.

My mom was sick, I had 2 young kids at home and I didn't want to grind every single day. So, I made a decision that I wasn't going to anymore.

I had heard of real estate investing before but I was scared of it. I didn't know anything about it or how to get started.

I slogged through endless books, podcasts, YouTube videos, expensive (and generally useless) courses, eventually going full-time into real estate investing. And today, I have built my portfolio up to more than $180M+ in managed assets.

Freakin' crazy, right!?

I've learned so many lessons (often the hard way) about investing and people come to me and ask me how.

How did I get the confidence to take the leap?

How did I know what steps to take first?

How did I figure out bootstrapping my own business?

How did you buy your first investment property, Andrea?

You will get to live the life you've always wanted to.

Here’s the deal.

Let me give you the back story.

It’s important.

I was working in Silicon Valley in high tech. Hustling daily to get the raise, chase the promotion, and get recognition.

It was exhausting.

One day, I woke up and realized I didn't want to be a part of the hustle culture any longer. I treasured time with my kids, making memories, and creating generational wealth and a legacy to leave behind.

My mom was sick, I had 2 young kids at home and I didn't want to grind every single day. So, I made a decision that I wasn't going to anymore.

I had heard of real estate investing before but I was scared of it. I didn't know anything about it or how to get started.

I slogged through endless books, podcasts, YouTube videos, expensive (and generally useless) courses, eventually going full-time into real estate investing. And today, I have built my portfolio up to more than $180M+ in managed assets.

Freakin' crazy, right!?

I've learned so many lessons (often the hard way) about investing and people come to me and ask me how.

How did I get the confidence to take the leap?

How did I know what steps to take first?

How did I figure out bootstrapping my own business?

How did you buy your first investment property, Andrea?

I remember the first property I purchased. What a nostalgic moment of joy, gratitude, and honestly, a little bit of anxiety.

In that moment, I had changed my family's lives and I was here for it.

Looking back, I just wish I had someone to help guide me when I was getting started.

Someone to tell me their own mistakes and hardships so I didn't have to experience them for myself. I needed a mentor, a trainer.

I never want anyone to have to go through the challenges that I did to get to where I am now.

I have created a solid passive income strategy for myself and love what I do but, WHEW that was stressful going at it all alone!

I don’t tell you that to stress you out but to impress upon you the idea that you do not have to go at this by yourself and it doesn't have to be scary.

Here’s the deal. You could spend a lot of time learning from real estate investing "gurus" that are going to tell you basically nothing about how to get your business started and they will stress you out and confuse you.

Been there, done that.

I never finished the course.

Or, you can learn from me.

The Real Simple Real Estate Gal.

I have created the MOST amazing program for you.

And, it also comes with all of the tools you need to get started today.

Step-by-step videos that shows you exactly the things you need to do to get your real estate investing business created and legitimized.

Community is important when you are learning something new. My communities are always supportive, fun and everyone encourages one another and helps each other.

And, I promise to keep the training simple and to go through everything very slowly so you can understand it.

So if you wanna get started building sustainable, generational wealth for your family, real estate investing is where it's at.

And you want to learn the industry from someone who has been where you are, who hates spending a bunch of money on fluffy, non-insightful junk, this is FOR YOU.

Introducing The...

Michelle will be LIVE every day at Noon Eastern for an hour or less each day.

Day One - Monday, September 6th - Camera Confidence

Day Two - Tuesday, September 7th - Tools To Film Like A Pro On A Small Budget

Day Three - Wednesday, September 8th - Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Film!

Day Four - Thursday, September 9th - Make Your Video & YouTube Channel Day

Day Five - Friday, September 10th - Editing On Your Computer 

A Take-You-By-The-Hand Walk-Through Of Everything You Need To Do To Start Your Very Own Real Estate Investing Business!

Are you ready to make a life change for the better?

And yes, you probably could find some of this information scattered all over the internet. But you don't have to.

I have gathered up all of the details for you into one simple place.

And guess what? It doesn’t take a whole lot of time to start your legal and fully legitimate business.

I’m actually gonna show you how I did it. And this course is not going to teach people how to be a make a million dollars tomorrow.

Because, we all want to be the next Barbara Corcoran or Jane Goldman.

More wealth than they know what to do with and a real estate portfolio the size of Texas.

What I am going to teach you is how to take your first few steps to setting up your real estate investing business.

Seriously, I’ve seen and mentored people who started out not knowing anything, anyone and, frankly, weren't totally resourceful.

So it’s not about being a multi-billionaire. Not yet at least.

It’s about starting today what could be your family's legacy for decades to come.

It’s also about taking step one.

And you, my friend, are ready to dive into real estate investing.
You can do this.

And I’m putting an end to the rumor that it's impossible to start your own real estate investing business.

I'm serious.

I don’t want anyone else out there who is interested in getting started to feel like it's too much of an uphill battle.

Inaction on this doesn’t serve you and it doesn’t serve your family and it’s detrimental to your success.

All you have to do is click the button to grab a spot.

  It’s time to show up for yourself and your family. 

  It’s time to start your own real estate investing business.

  It’s time to bring in passive income through real estate investments.

  It’s time that you stop working so hard and you start letting your investments do work for you.

  This is your time. 

To Help You Get Started You Also Get This Free Gift...

To ensure you’re prepared for the transformation your life is about to experience, I’m going to throw in this free eBook when you join today!

Free Gift #1: How to Create A Memorable Business Name eBook

Value $47

As part of the program you are actually setting up your business. From determining your name to hashing out your branding, we cover it all!

This eBook is your companion to the training and will reinforce what you learn during the program.

It’s packed with examples, insider tools, and step-by-step walkthroughs of what you’ll discover in the course!

Free Gift #2: Group Q&A Session with Andrea Cwik

Value $197

It's not often that you have an expert making themselves available to you for a Q&A session, but I believe that just this one session could change your entire outlook (and life).

So, I'm setting up a group Q&A session for everyone who signs up. You can hop on and ask any questions you may have about the course and implementing the things you've learned.

I won't always have the time to offer this so take advantage of it now before the opportunity is gone!

Free Gift #3: Lifetime Access to the Full Real Estate Investing Training

Value $297

We all have busy schedules and things going on. We normally give 7 days of access, but I know you may not be able to watch all of the videos in that time, so I decided to give you lifetime access.

You can go refer back to it at any point right inside your member's area. It will also be handy for when you're a successful real estate investor and want to remember your roots. 😉

As if that isn’t enough, I’m throwing in the chance to win some awesome prizes!

2nd Prize

Blue Yeti USB Microphone

Value $129

1st Prize

Lifetime Access To
Massive Movement Makers

Value $1,997

3rd Prize

Customized Unicorn Mug And Coaster

Value $59

1st Prize

Lifetime Access To Massive Movement Makers

Value $1,997

2nd Prize

Blue Yeti USB Microphone

Value $129

3rd Prize

Customized Unicorn Mug And Coaster

Value $59

Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join The Real Estate Business Blast Off Program Today!

⭐ 11 Modules of Video Training with Investing Expert, Andrea

Value $197

⭐ 11 Modules of Video Training with Investing Expert, Andrea

Value $197

⭐ Access to the Private “Real Estate Business Blast Off” Community

Value $97

⭐ Access to the Private “Real Estate Business Blast Off” Community

Value $97

⭐ Free Gift #1: How to Create A Memorable Business Name eBook

Value $47

⭐ Free Gift #1: How to Create A Memorable Business Name eBook

Value $47

⭐ Free Gift #2: Group Q&A Session with Andrea Cwik

Value $197

⭐ Free Gift #2: Group Q&A Session with Andrea Cwik

Value $197

Free Gift #3: Lifetime Access to the Full Real Estate Investing Training

Value $297

Free Gift #3: Lifetime Access to the Full Real Estate Investing Training

Value $297

Your Investment Is Protected By My 60-Day “Free Look” Policy

Here's how it works:

You have a full 60 days to preview "The Video Superstar Bootcamp." 

(That's more than enough time since the training is only 5 days.)

If you decide during that time that "The Bootcamp" is not right for you, or it doesn’t deliver the results you hoped for, just let me know and you'll be issued a full and prompt refund... no questions asked.

I absolutely stand behind this training, but this guarantee is simply for peace of mind, just in case.

In short, you get a great return on your investment, or you get your money back. It's that simple...

What Are You Waiting For?

The only thing standing between you and the success you deserve is a beautiful brand.

So now it’s up to you.

You can, of course, continue down the agonizingly slow road of pitching uninterested people, facing lots of frustrating rejection, and taking years to discover the key to building a business that gives you freedom.

"90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate." - Andrew Carnegie

You deserve it all and you will be blown away at the doors and opportunities that will open for you when you decide to get started with your real estate investment business.

These types of investments changed my life forever.

It also changed the lives of my family.

It dramatically increased my income.

And it has allowed me to help so many others in this world financially.

If you have a vision and you want to change other people's lives, it all starts here.

Don’t wait a second more to get this step-by-step guide on how to set up your own real estate investing business. The doors will close on this opportunity.

Got Questions?

 What if I fall behind?

The nice thing about all of my courses is that if you cannot catch it live, you can watch the replay. 

And if you’d like to have access to it for lifetime you can easily select that upgrade. I recommend lifetime access so you can reference it for the rest of your life.

But I have no business experience and am scared to get started?
Perfect. You’re a perfect candidate for this course. I’m gonna teach you about my experience in the industry and the mindset tricks I used to overcome my own fears and take the leap.

But I don’t even know where to start?
That’s why you need this course. I’m gonna be showing you how you can take the first few steps to create, brand and legitimize your real estate investing business. 

What topics do you cover in the Real Estate Business Blast Off program?
Great question! In this program I go over everything from branding, to setting up your LLC, to setting up your finances, to hiring a virtual assistant. It is JAM-PACKED with information on how to get started!

 What are the dates of the bootcamp?

Michelle will be LIVE every day at Noon Eastern for an hour or less each day.

Day One - Monday, September 6th - Camera Confidence

Day Two - Tuesday, September 7th - Tools To Film Like A Pro On A Small Budget

Day Three - Wednesday, September 8th - Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Film!

Day Four - Thursday, September 9th - Make Your Video & YouTube Channel Day

Day Five - Friday, September 10th - Editing On Your Computer 

Do you want a little sneak peek into the course? 

Check it out right over here.

Check it out right here.

 What if I fall behind?

The nice thing about all of my courses is that if you cannot catch it live, you can watch the replay. 

And if you’d like to have access to it for lifetime you can easily select that upgrade. I recommend lifetime access so you can reference it for the rest of your life.

 What are the dates of the bootcamp?

Michelle will be LIVE every day at Noon Eastern for an hour or less each day.

Day One - Monday, September 6th - Camera Confidence

Day Two - Tuesday, September 7th - Tools To Film Like A Pro On A Small Budget

Day Three - Wednesday, September 8th - Lights, Camera, Action. Let's Film!

Day Four - Thursday, September 9th - Make Your Video & YouTube Channel Day

Day Five - Friday, September 10th - Editing On Your Computer 

Copyright © 2023 - Andrea Cwik

12 Days of Deals

Extended Until The End Of Christmas Day! 

12 Days of Deals

Extended Until The End Of Christmas Day!

12 Days of Deals

Ends on December 19th at 9:00 PM PST

12 Days of Deals

Ends on December 19th at 9:00 PM PST